All our publications are available for sale and pick up in our Research Room at 110 High Street, Berwick during opening hours: Tuesday and Saturday 11 am to 2 pm. Or can be posted out at additonal cost.

Kindred Spirits: the first 20 years of the Narre Warren & District Family History Group 1989-2009

Early Settlers of the Casey Cardinia District
out of print
Casey Cardinia

Berwick Cemetery Tour 2014

Revisiting Stories of Berwick Cemetery
$20.00 + $5.50 p & h

100 men, 100 years: a World War 1 Walk in Berwick Cemetery

Life and death on the edge of the swamp: a walk in Bunyip Cemetery
Thirty-two stories of life and death on the swamp. There is an eclectic mix of stories about well-known identities who appear in published histories and are fortunate to have headstones marking their final resting place and stories of people long forgotten, whose only trace is an entry in the register.

Cranbourne Cemetery Tour 2012

No time to say goodbye: a walk in Cranbourne Cemetery 2022
$20.00 plus $5.50 p & h

They answered the call: a World War 1 Walk in Cranbourne Cemetery
$25.00 plus $15.30 p & h

Casey Cardinia Connections at Dandenong Community Cemetery
15 stories of men and women with connections to the City of Casey or Shire of Cardinia.
$20 plus $5.50 p & h

Life and death in the hills: a walk in Emerald Cemetery
Sixteen stories of men, women and children who are buried at Emerald Cemetery including Clare Wositzky (co-founder of Amnesty International Australia) and acclaimed Aboriginal artist Ronald Bull. Also featured are Eric and Nellie Fleming, Hugh Bell (shot by his best friend), Dr. Glen Dettman, Myrtle Ivy Quicke, Constable George Spencer Legge, and Robert Loney Maye, Leonard Mann, Mary and Ada Rogerson, Frederick Sherriff, Dorothy Leggett, Shelia Scotter and John Truscott, Clement Worrell (jnr.) and Lucretia Hunt.
$20.00 plus $5.50 p & h

Harkaway Cemetery Tour 2016: Ordinary people, interesting lives
Our stories of Harkaway Cemetery abound with people who, once arrived, had to create a roof over their heads, people who needed to grow crops or nurture their livestock to be able to eat, neighbours who no longer remained strangers, faces who became familiar at church or school or the general store or railway station.
Our volunteers researched and wrote the stories of families that travelled thousands of miles to a country on the other side of the world. A country with people who didn’t necessarily speak the same language or held the same beliefs

For some the bell tolled: a World War 1 Walk in Harkaway Cemetery (plus Harkaway Avenue of Honour)
Lang Lang

Lang Lang Cemetery Tour 2013

Peace at last: a World War 1 Walk in Lang Lang Cemetery
We uncover the stories of 98 soldiers from the Lang Lang district and the 48 families who waved goodbye to them and prayed for their safe return. Just over half of these families sent two sons or more. Not everyone’s prayers were answered in the way they’d hoped for, prayers for the return of 24 fathers, sons, husbands and brothers were not answered at all.

Pakenham Cemetery Tour 2011

Pakenham Cemetery Tour 2015: Indomitable women
Stories of 25 indomitable women from all walks of life who shaped the local community of Pakenham and are buried at Pakenham Cemetery.

Sacrifice and Patriotism: a World War 1 Walk in Pakenham Cemetery
Stories of 64 families who watched and supported 120 men and one woman as they enlisted.
This book tells the stories of sets of brothers, a father and his son, a nurse and a sailor along with two Indigenous soldiers. Soldiers who received awards, soldiers who served as troopers, gunners, sappers, drivers, and signallers; in the Light Horse, Pioneers, Railway Unit, Anzac Police and Provost Corps and in the Cyclist Battalion.
Those who returned had many and varied experiences during their service and upon their return, 16 took up soldier settlement blocks and 11 would re-enlist in the Second World War. They are all remembered forever as ANZACs men of the 1st Australian Imperial Force.
Please contact our Treasurer ( to enquire about combining postage for more than 1 item, etc. You can buy any of our publications in the Research Room or download an order form.