Writing the War Exhibition

Writing the War Exhibition
At the Cranbourne Library from October 26 2017 to December 7 2017.

Venue for all the activities is the Cranbourne Library.


Thursday November 2 at 11.00am.
Michael Madden – Australian Victorian Cross recipients
Michael Madden is a multi-award winning writer and will talk about his current project – researching and writing a book based on the 100 Australian recipients of the Victoria Cross covering their medals, statues, monuments and final resting places. Michael runs his own Military Medal Business in Berwick and has supplied replica medals and professional advice to service personnel, Museums and even Hollywood movies!

Thursday November 9 at 2.00pm.
Official Launch of Writing the War Exhibition by the Hon. Anthony Byrne. Guest speaker is Lambis Englezos
Lambis Englezos is a Greek-born, retired art teacher from Melbourne with a ‘magnificent obsession’ to find, recover, and honour Australia’s missing diggers from the Battle of Fromelles. He is the co-founder and driving force behind the internationally renowned ‘Friends of the 15th Brigade’. Lambis is a central figure in Patrick Lindsay’s book ‘Fromelles’ and is acknowledged in the Robin Corfield book ‘Fromelles – Don’t Forget Me Cobber’, for his contribution to the remembrance of this significant event in Australian history. He also featured in television stories on ‘60 Minutes’, and the ABC ‘7:30 Report’ on the fate of the missing diggers. Additionally, Lambis has written and been featured widely on this subject in print media.
Lambis received the Order of Australia in 2008 for his Fromelles work. He also won the inaugural Shrine Medallion in 2010 and was honoured by the RSL of Victoria with their ANZAC Award in the same year.

Tuesday, November 14 at 11.00am.
Local History Librarian, Heather Arnold – How we honored our soldiers
The talk will look at the various ways communities honoured their soldiers once the War ended. Heather will look at Avenues of Honour, War Memorials and Memorial buildings such as Halls, Schools and Hospitals.

Saturday November 18 at 1.30pm and
Monday, November 20 at 7.00pm
Jane Rivett-Carnac from the Narre Warren & District Family History Group – Researching your Military history
There is more to a service person than Name Rank and Serial Number. Join us for a 90 minute talk that will explore the many avenues available on the internet and in your library to gather the information you need to write their story. It may be a soldier sent to Sydney Cove with the First Fleet, a bushman in the Boer War, a Great Uncle in the Great War or Dad in the Second World War. Nurses Sailors Airmen and Civilians also have a story to tell.

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