After some long and careful consideration of a wide range of issues we have decided to reopen the Lorraine Taylor Research Room on Tuesday 1st February and see how we go.
The health and safety of our Research Room volunteers, members and visitors is of the upmost importance to us, and it’s for this reason that we have made a significant number of changes to our normal operating hours and procedures for February. We will be closely monitoring the Covid situation and feedback from our volunteers, members and visitors and will alter our hours and procedures for March and beyond if necessary.
Owing to a significant drop in our pool of volunteers and the need to limit numbers in the Research Room we have reinstated the Eventbrite booking system. There will be no one in attendance if we have no bookings for that session – so you must prebook a session time.
This will allow us to limit the number of people in the Research Room to a maximum of two members/vistors and one duty volunteer (two if one is training) and to limit the time spent in the room to 2 hours.
Details for February openings:
- We will be open Monday to Saturday
- Morning Session 10 am to 12 noon & Afternoon Session 12.30 pm to 2.30 pm
- Members and visitors may only attend one session per day
- We will not be charging visitors fees due to the reduced session times
- We will ask all members/visitors to sign in using the Service Victoria app and to show our duty volunteer proof of vaccination. We will also require all members to sign our sign-in book with a name and telephone number.
- Masks must be worn at all times and social distancing will be maintained at all times
- Doors to the library and the admin building corridor will be open during all sessions and the air conditioning will be on to assist with air flow
- The kitchen facilities will not be available for use – but there is an excellent cafe on site
- Antibacterial wipes and spray, hand sanitisers, soap and single use towels are all available in the room for your use – please use them.
- Our Covid-19 Plan is displayed near the front desk – please familiarise yourself with it
All February sessions can be booked at http://nwfhg.eventbrite.com Please contact Lynne (research.officer@nwfhg.org.au) if you’re having trouble booking a session – we can book you in manually.
Please do not come to the Research Room if you are unwell. If you do become unwell after visiting us please contact our President – (president@nwfhg.org.au) – 0412 084 671 as soon as possible so we can follow up our Covid-19 requirements
Hi, I look after the pamphlets at Community Information & Support Cranbourne, the pamphlet we have for NWDFHG needs to be updated. Are the membership fees the same. I could change the information about the hours, will March hours be the same as February?
Have you been very busy? I used to be a member and need to join again.
Bye, Susan Arlove
Hello Susan, I wonder if we could just drop off some bookmarks to you that simply direct people to our website. At the moment are hours and days are very likely to change slightly each month as we try to respond to demand for services (or not) as the case may be. As with a lot of other community groups we have not been as busy as we would like, we too suffer from the general reluctance of people to get out and about and involved these days. It will take time, but we would love to see you at a meeting or in the Research Room as a member or visitor, thank you for thinking of us. regards Lynne