Arose at 6.30. There was a grand Ball continuing until the early hour of morning. Having arrived at Port Adelaide we disembarked. Our friends Messrs Leonard & Bailey were waiting our arrival so we had no trouble. We went to the Cafe booked beds for a few nights. Had a splendid meal for 6p a head afterwards a short stroll into the town. Feeling fatigued we returned to the Cafe and partook of a luxury of a soft bed. Next morning after breakfast I got a daily paper and having examined the advertisements immediately claimed a ‘Billet’ .
So I must then conclude the story of my voyage and trust to remain yours ever.
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia May 17th 1886 – AB Steele
*And so our story ends, the entry for the 11th May is the last in the journal. The journal is concluded and signed 17th May. There is no information on how AB Steele got to Melbourne by the 17th May, perhaps because there is no more paper left in the journal! Or perhaps, there was much to do and little time to write about it. Either way, we hope that you have enjoyed the journey 126 years on with us.
Hi Eileen,
thanks for your comments. Yes, we will add it to the Casey Cardinia Collection, what a good idea!
Thanks Lynne. I’m glad you told AB’s story. I’m sure if any of AB’s descendents are out there they would have been proud to read it too. I’ll miss AB. Will you copy and add to the Casey Cardinia Collection?