Arose at 5 am and found, on getting on deck that we were by this time out of sight of land. The Sailors were busy getting up some of the 3rd class passengers luggage. The boxes are in dreadful state, one fellow having his box knocked into all shapes and […]
Casey Cardinia
AB Steele’s Shipboard Journal – 6 April 1886
I did not turn below last night at all, but stayed on deck in order to see the rocks of Gibraltar, but was dissapointed owing to the darkness. We hail through the Straits at 2.30 am. We could see the red lights and signals that were shewn, and we had […]
AB Steele’s Shipboard Journal – 5 April 1886
Awoke at 5 am and went on deck to find that we were nearing Cafe St Vincent. Not being very far from the coast we could see ruggy crags which very picturesque, with the green patches of herbage scattered amongst the hills. The first series of royal MS “Orient” athletic […]
AB Steele’s Shipboard Journal – 4 April 1886
Sunday morning 6.30 and found we has passed the Bay of Biscay the hills of Portugal now being in sight the peaks rising one above the another till they are lost on the Horizon. The passengers have all mustered on Board for Divine Service, there being about 600 souls including […]
AB Steele’s Shipboard Journal – 3 April 1886
Arose at 4 am, and went on deck to find that we had by this time entered the bay of Biscay. For myself I have felt no sickness at present but Bayley is very bad and cannot turn out. He is rather short of “pluck” .. and is quite “capped” […]
AB Steele’s Shipboard Journal – 2 April 1886
Arose at 6 am and went on deck as soon as I could. The ship was tossing a little and a good many were sick, practically all of the women and most of the men. Most of the fellows in my room were sick, but I had had a good […]
AB Steele’s Shipboard Journal – 1 April 1886
I awoke at 5.30 got washed and went on Deck, and took a sharp walk round the ship to get warm, for I had had a dreadful night being nearly starved to death, whilst some of the passengers had been howling like wolves all night – this makes things look […]
AB Steele’s Shipboard Journal – 31 March 1886
Arose rather late, partook of a hurried breakfast, procured a cab as quickly as possible and booted down to Fenchurch Street Station just in time to catch the special train for the pier – arriving safe at the Royal Albert Dock we got our luggage on board as soon as […]
AB Steele’s Shipboard Journal – 30 March 1886
From the hamlet of Wildboarclough I proceeded on my journey to the market town of Macclesfield, taking leave of my friends and relations, I secured a ticket for the 8.14 for London and was soon travelling on at a good pace, leaving the old country far behind – only stopping […]